Jaime is a nationally certified physician assistant with New Jersey state licensure specializing in orthopedics. She earned her bachelor’s degree in exercise science from Cook College-Rutgers University in New Brunswick, NJ, and completed her Master’s Degree in Physician Assistant Studies jointly at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey (UMDNJ) and Seton Hall University.
Practicing pediatric orthopedics since 2002, Jaime’s expertise is in fracture management, sprains and strains. She has a special interest in clubfoot deformities as well as adolescent sport injuries.
Jaime has held the role of primary conference coordinator for multiple educational events sponsored by the practice since 2006. These conferences provide an opportunity for local healthcare professionals to expand their knowledge on current pediatric orthopedic trends. Jaime recognizes the importance of education and awareness in keeping children safe and healthy and works hard to promote this within the community.
Jaime served as an adjunct professor from 2012 to 2022 at Seton Hall University’s Physician Assistant, Nurse Practitioner, and Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Programs in South Orange, NJ. She provided education for students in topics such as orthopedic radiology, orthopedic physical exam and musculoskeletal abnormalities. Jaime also frequently counsels young individuals who are interested in pursuing a career as a PA.
Jaime is currently enrolled as a doctoral student at A.T. Still University. Jaime is pursuing a Doctor of Medical Science (DMSc) Degree with a concentration in leadership with an anticipated graduation of winter 2025.
In her free time, she spends her time with her husband and two beautiful daughters; and enjoys music, singing, crocheting, fishing and spending time on the beach.
Bachelor’s Degree in Exercise Science , Cook College-Rutgers University, New Brunswick
Masters, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, Newark
Master’s Degree in Physician Assistant Studies, Seton Hall University, South Orange
Verify the date and time of your appointment. You may be required to complete new patient paperwork or provide personal information prior to being seen by your doctor. Please arrive approximately 30 minutes prior to your appointment time.
Confirm the address and location of your appointment. The Pediatric Orthopedic Center has four convenient locations in New Jersey. Confirm with the front desk staff the office location for your visit.
Be aware of travel issues and delays. Be mindful of any driving conditions, road construction detours and parking requirements to ensure you arrive for your appointment on time.
Expert pediatric orthopedic care, no appointment needed. Our board-certified specialists are here to swiftly treat your child’s orthopedic needs, saving you time and worry.
*Urgent and Acute Injuries Only during Urgent Care/Walk-in Clinic hours. To find out if your child’s injury qualifies for a walk-in visit, click here. (Walk-in fees may apply.)
Regular Hours: 9am-5pm
Walk-in Hours* (Cedar Knolls): 5pm-8pm
Regular Hours: 9am-5pm
Walk-in Hours* (Cedar Knolls): 5pm-8pm
Regular Hours: 9am-5pm
Walk-in Hours* (Cedar Knolls): 5pm-8pm
Regular Hours: 9am-5pm
Walk-in Hours* (Cedar Knolls): 5pm-8pm
Regular Hours: 8am-5pm
NO walk-in hours.
Walk-in Hours* (Cedar Knolls): 10am-2pm
Sunday: Closed