Dr. Sarah Stelma is a board-certified Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon with a subspecialty focus in scoliosis, fractures, and sports injuries. Dr. Stelma completed a Pediatric Orthopedic and Spine Surgery fellowship at the Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles. She served as Clinical Instructor of Orthopaedic Surgery at Tufts Medical School, as well as Chief Resident of Orthopaedic Surgery at Tufts Medical Center. She has published numerous articles in medical journals, text books, and has presented at medical schools and national medical conferences. She is an active member of the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons (AAOS) and the Pediatric Orthopedic Society of North America (POSNA). Along with Dr. Rieger, Dr. Stelma makes The Pediatric Orthopedic Center the top choice for compassionate and expert scoliosis care.
Verify the date and time of your appointment. You may be required to complete new patient paperwork or provide personal information prior to being seen by your doctor. Please arrive approximately 30 minutes prior to your appointment time.
Confirm the address and location of your appointment. The Pediatric Orthopedic Center has four convenient locations in New Jersey. Confirm with the front desk staff the office location for your visit.
Be aware of travel issues and delays. Be mindful of any driving conditions, road construction detours and parking requirements to ensure you arrive for your appointment on time.
Expert pediatric orthopedic care, no appointment needed. Our board-certified specialists are here to swiftly treat your child’s orthopedic needs, saving you time and worry.
*Urgent and Acute Injuries Only during Urgent Care/Walk-in Clinic hours. To find out if your child’s injury qualifies for a walk-in visit, click here. (Walk-in fees may apply.)
Regular Hours: 9am-5pm
Walk-in Hours* (Cedar Knolls): 5pm-8pm
Regular Hours: 9am-5pm
Walk-in Hours* (Cedar Knolls): 5pm-8pm
Regular Hours: 9am-5pm
Walk-in Hours* (Cedar Knolls): 5pm-8pm
Regular Hours: 9am-5pm
Walk-in Hours* (Cedar Knolls): 5pm-8pm
Regular Hours: 8am-5pm
NO walk-in hours.
Walk-in Hours* (Cedar Knolls): 10am-2pm
Sunday: Closed